Hygric and thermal simulations with HT flux.

logo_smallThe calculation of thermal transport and hygrothermal simulation happens by solving differential equations. These equations can be solved with the finite element method. This method became very popular thanks to the enormous calculation power of recent personal computers.

htflux-logo1HTflux, a company founded by DI Daniel Rüdisser, has written a very userfriendly software, which is able to calculate most thermal / hygroscopic transport in 2 dimensions. This software can be tried out for 30 days and later on, it costs only 500€/year.

The nice thing is that it can be clearly demonstrated in a lot of cases that condensation spots can be eliminated by using cellular glass.

BELGLAS BVBA will take a license to be able to show the necessity of cellular glass in some constructions. This can be done on construction drawings before the actual construction, avoiding a lot of damage and cost.



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